Wednesday 21 October 2015

Video Conferencing

Following on front our Wow Factor and Basic Needs projects we held a video conference between the two schools. This was a fantastic experience for both sets of children, it allowed them to compare and contrast their ideas. The children were surprised that they both came up with the same ideas for what they thought were basic needs to survive, except that the children in Lebanon thought of electricity. We discussed this idea and came to the conclusion that in the UK this is just something we take for granted but in Lebanon they have frequent power cuts and supply is not always reliable. We then focused on the need for education with a special focus on the plight of Syrian refugees and considered why it is important for these children to have access to education. This was of particular value as some of the children taking part in Beirut have experienced this first hand and were able to give there own thoughts. The children in the UK found this especially powerful.

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