Next part of the project is to recommend games played in each country, our first game is
All but one of the children stood in a circle with the remaing person in the middle. The person in the middle would fire an imaginary splat gun at someone and shout SPLAT! The recipient of the 'splat!' had to immediately duck and the two people either side would have to turn and 'splat' at each other. The loser of the duel was out and sat down, the person splatted from the middle would re-stand and the game would continue with one less participant. The game continues round by round with someone eliminated each time (unless the 'splat' duel was considered a draw), with the duels being between the two nearest standing people either side of the victim.
When only two people remain they stand back to back and a key word is agreed, for example 'fox!' A series of words are called out and the duelists take one step each time,
'box!' (step), 'rocks!' (step) until the keyword is called and the duelists spin round and fire a splat! The fastest is the winner.